Friday, August 31, 2007

Back in Business

Well, this is my first serious post in a long while. I have to say that I've neglected this blog terribly over the past few months, one because I feel like almost no one is viewing it and two I've just been overwhelmed with trying to finish school and my job search. I have no more excuses for not periodically posting my new work now because my undergrad studies are finally over and I've just signed a lease for an apartment in NYC. Almost all the parts of my life are coming together, now I just have that pesky task of finding my first job as an entry level designer. If anyone reading this has any promising leads for positions in the NYC area, feel free to shoot me an email or give me a call directly.

The project you can see in this post was more of a fun piece than a serious one. While at my summer internship with BFG Communications we were given blank skateboard decks and asked to decorated them in any way. My approach was simply an experiment of materials and decorative techniques which I hadn't attempted before. The boards are now on display in BFG's office.